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Now do gold facials at home...

Our skin needs constant care and attention. By the way, you must be using things with cleansing and moisturization daily. But there are some other beauty treatments that you must apply once. Many a times, women of the house prefer to be seen at festivals, events and other family events. As is clear, if you want to stand out in the crowd, then you have to make some different efforts for it.

However, this does not mean that you spend hours in a parlor or salon for expensive beauty treatments. If you want to look beautiful and glowing, then you can do gold facials at home, that too at home. There are many benefits of getting gold facials, in fact it is the one that suits all types of skintones. Whether you have dry skin or oily, apply this facial once on your face. We hope that its result will not disappoint you. So if you want to know how you can do it yourself at home, then continue reading this article.


Material for gold facials:

1. Cleaner

2. Gold Cleaner

3. Gold Facial Scrub

4. Gold Facial Mask

5. moisturizing lotion

Method of Use:

Clean face

First wash your face with cold water and dry it. Clean your face with a cleanser before starting a gold facial. Now move the fingers in circulation motion on your face and throat. Keep on massaging the face for about 5 to 8 minutes. After doing this, clean the face with lukewarm water after taking cotton.

Hang on face

This will clear the dirt and deadskins in your face and throat. To do this, take hot water in a big pot and let it cool down a bit. After this, cover your head with a large towel and allow steam to fall on your face. When the water cools, remove the towel. Then clean your face with wipes.

Gold cleaner

Open your Gold Facial Kit and apply the cleanser on your face and throat and massage the face. After this process, clean your face with cotton.


Scrubbing helps remove facial deadsoles. For this, you should use the kit scrub. Apply the scrub to the face and throat and keep moving the fingers upwards, taking some warm water. After 2 to 3 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water and wipe it. Performing this step will open all the pores in your face.

Facial with massage gold cream

Gold cream is very beneficial for your skin because it makes your face glow. Apply gold cream on face and throat and massage the face, apply it on your face for at least 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash with cold water and wipe well. Massage cream has the properties of aloe vera, sandalwood, saffron and gold powder which help to glow your skin.

Gold mask

Apply a gold mask on your face and throat and cover your entire face with a mask. Allow the mask to dry. Once the mask is completely dry, remove it slowly. Remove the mask, wash the face with cold water and wipe it well. Also you can apply cucumber juice or favorite toner to tone your skin.


After the gold mask, it is necessary to apply moisturizer on the face. If your kit does not have a moisturizer, you can also use normal serum. Apply moisturizer in circular positions on face and throat. Without this, the gold facial remains incomplete. You will immediately see the difference in the face.

These are the advantages of gold facials:

Sun protection

Gold facials can reduce skin pigmentation and melanin uptake. Most people are exposed to the sun's rays every day, due to which the skin becomes damaged. Gold facials protect you from various losses from sun rays.

Containing anti-aging properties

Gold facials keep your skin glowing and refreshed. It contains anti-aging elements, which help you to stay young for a long time. The wrinkles of your face are not visible for many days.

Useful for all skintones

Whether you have dry skin, oily or normal, you can apply it on your face. This facial lasts for a year, despite the moisture, this facial does not reduce the effect on your skin.


Cleanliness care

Wash your hands properly before applying gold facials. If possible, clean your hands with a sanitizer before facials.

Use of Quality Products

It is always advisable to choose the best product available in the market for gold facials. Often people waste the expensive goods of facials, so try to use the product in the right quantity.


If you want to get the best results from gold facials at home, then apply this facials within a span of three months. Ideally, gold facials should be used only once a year for best results.


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