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Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods for Skin, Brain, Muscle, and Gut Health

Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods for Skin, Brain, Muscle

Do eat this protein after 30, aging will stop..

If you want to remain beautiful and young even in old age, then you should know about collagen protein. Collagen protein not only makes muscles and our bones strong. Rather, it also maintains the tightness and beauty of the face.

After an age, as the level of collagen protein starts decreasing from the body, our face and aging age are visible. Therefore, collagen is very important in old age. Let us know why it is necessary and how we can supply collagen protein to the body.

What is collagen protein?
It is a protein found in the body, which helps in keeping bones, cartilage and skin healthy. It is the most important protein for better health. If the collagen level starts decreasing in the body, then problems like weakening of bones, wrinkles on the skin and joint pain start. So if you want to be healthy and beautiful then definitely include collagen protein in your diet.

Why is it important?
Collagen is a protein found in the highest amount in the human body, which is present in bones, muscles, skin and tendons (a key element connecting bones and muscles). Collagen makes up 25 to 35 percent of the total protein present in the body. Collagen has been considered very important for the texture and strength of your body.

How does collagen level decrease
After the age of 25, the amount of collagen from the body starts decreasing. By the time we reach the age of 35, due to low level of collagen, symptoms start appearing on the face, which we call aging. As collagen decreases, epithelial structures weaken. The skin becomes thinner, hair weakens and begins to break. Wrinkles are visible on the skin. Sunlight, smoking, pollution, stress, too much physical exertion are also the reasons for the decrease of collagen from the body. Menopause in women and decreased production of hormones during aging also reduces collagen production.

Learn how to get collagen
Non-vegetarian sources: Meat, chicken, pork (especially legs), pork skin, bone soup, fish, salmon and tuna can also be included in their diet.

Vegetarian Source: Red colored fruits and vegetables contain good amount of collagen. Red fruits and vegetables such as apples, strawberries, cherries, beets, red peppers, peppers, etc. contain lycopene. This substance, besides being an excellent antioxidant, helps in promoting the production of collagen. Also fruits that contain adequate amounts of vitamin C.

Changes in menstruation at the age of 20, 30 and 40

It is common for menstruation to have abdominal pain, nausea, discomfort, and mood swings. But if menstruation does not come on time every month then it becomes a cause for concern. Many women have a love-hate relationship with periods. Today, through this post, we are going to tell you how changes in menstruation occur at the age of 20, 30 and 40.

Sometimes the monthly cycle is unpredictable - it comes late in a month and sometimes comes ahead of time. Sometimes there is bleeding for a week, sometimes it stops within three days. Stress, health or lifestyle changes affect menstrual flow.

The menstrual cycle also changes with the hormonal changes occurring in the body on aging. It also affects bleeding.

So let's know how and what changes occur in periods between the ages of 20, 30 and 40.

What happens at the age of 20
At this age, secretion is regular. However, there are many problems between regular menstruation, such as

Starting a contraceptive can cause little or no secretion, but you don't have to worry about it. It will take time for the body to get used to this, but if this happens for more than three months, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

If you are not taking a stressor and you are not pregnant and you have menstruation for a week, it may be due to PCOS or any hormonal balance due to which cysts start forming in the ovary. This problem is more prevalent among women in their 20s.

During the age of 20, there are many things that give stress. There is tension at this age due to many reasons like job, serious relationship or breakup. All these things also affect your menstrual cycle because the brain is not able to send messages to your ovaries due to stress hormones and because of this, menstruation remains irregular for a few months.

PMS symptoms also appear at the age of 20, including abdominal pain, tightening of the breast, or other premenstrual symptoms.

Menstruation at the age of 30
At this age, menstruation is regular and discharge may be more or less. Fibroids and endometriosis are also common at the age of 30.

Women in their 30s face these problems
Becoming a mother at the age of 30 completely changes your menstrual cycle. Giving birth to a baby also affects your normal menstrual cycle, especially breastfeeding. There is no need to worry too much about it.

At the age of 30, most fibroids, polyps and benign uterine enlargement are present. They do not cause any harm, but they definitely affect your menstrual cycle.

Menstruation at the age of 40
This is the time before menopause in which you have problems such as irregular menstruation or menstrual periods, or little blood during menstruation. It is difficult to become a mother at the age of 40.

Changes in exercise routine also have an effect on your age as the body takes time to adjust to this new lifestyle. It also affects the menstrual cycle. What happens by exercising during menstruation?

At 40, the risk of pregnancy is high. This is the first symptom of irregular menstruation. So, if you feel any problem or irregularity during your period, consult your doctor immediately.

Some women may have perimenopause as early as 10 years before menopause. Even if your assessment is regular, you can still become pregnant, but if you have not had menstruation for one year, you have entered the stage of menopause. In this phase, estrogen and progesterone hormones stop working in their own way and they do not work the way they used to in your youth.


  1. Its not just aging but mental health also affects menstruation. If you are sad, upset, stressed, depressed, feeling low or getting mad over silly things. Then it will affect your mind and hence, your mental health. Mental health has a great impact on menstruation. Stress disturbs your cycle causing you late periods.
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  2. Chicken, meat, and fish are my favorite when it comes a healthy eating. Thanks for sharing such important food list.

  3. Did you check my new article about green apple nutrition facts .I hope you will love it :)


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