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Oats can be eaten not only by cooking, but also helps in weightloss.

Oats are the best option of healthy breakfast. Due to the nutrients present in oats, people like to eat it for breakfast. Many of us take oats cooked for breakfast, but do you know that raw oats are more beneficial? Yes, oats can also be eaten raw as whole grains and are more beneficial for health than cooked oats. Raw oats are rich in fiber, calories, carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium. So get into the habit of soaking it.

If you want to eat raw oats then soak it for few hours before eating. It consists of fiber and plant-based proteins. While people usually like to cook it as porridge, eating it cooked reduces its nutrients. Let us know the advantages of raw oats.

Helpful in reducing weight
Raw oats are very helpful in losing weight because it is full of high fiber which makes you feel full for a long time. It also helps to suppress hunger (food craving).

Heart to heart
Blood pressure can be avoided by eating raw oats and it also improves heart health. High BP is associated with heart disease. So if blood pressure is correct, then chances of heart diseases are also less.

Makes the intestine strong
Eating raw oats strengthens the gut condition. It is very effective in eliminating constipation or related problems.

Beneficial for diabetes patients
Raw oats contain beta-gluten, which aids in lowering blood sugar levels. It helps to balance insulin which makes it extremely effective for type 2 diabetes patients. It helps to control digestion and blood sugar by stabilizing the production of insulin.

Lowers cholesterol levels
Soluble fiber called beta-gluten in oats helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels. It also affects metabolism by absorbing cholesterol and balsa salt, which reduces bad cholesterol.

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Eat a banana with hot water to stop growing belly

Nowadays, every third human being is suffering from obesity due to wrong eating habits and deteriorating lifestyle. People often make many changes in their diet to avoid increasing obesity. Especially distance from such things which are the root of obesity like banana. But you would be surprised to know that Japanese people lose weight by eating bananas.

To start the weightloss, these people start their day with lukewarm water and bananas. This thing has also been proved scientifically. This recipe helps in reducing weight as well as maintains digestive system. Let us know how to include the combination of lukewarm water and banana in the diet.

Metabolism increases
You must have heard a lot about the benefits of drinking lukewarm water. Drinking hot water increases metabolicism of our body. Increased metabolicism means increased power to burn fat in the body.

Gives energy
If we talk about banana, then banana provides plenty of energy to our body. Consuming it in the morning makes us feel full throughout the day. When we feel less hungry throughout the day, then our weight will automatically be under control.

Weight control
It has been said in the study that the combination of lukewarm water and banana improves the digestion. Along with this it helps in weight control. Let us know how to include the combination of lukewarm water and banana in the diet.

Eat on an empty stomach in the morning
First thing is to wake up in the morning and drink a glass of lukewarm water. Half an hour later, two bananas are to be eaten. This diet is called Asa Naan in Japan. The method was invented by two Japanese named Hitoshi and Sumiko.

This drink will reduce weight by 10 kg in a month, drink this mixture in lemonade

Almost every other man is troubled by rising obesity. People are trying almost every trick to lose weight. From medicine to gym and diet to treatment. Today we are going to tell you one such domestic recipe, by whose use you can get rid of stomach fat in a few days.

You can easily lose weight and get rid of many diseases by consuming a drink made of chia seed and lemon juice. Yes, a special thing about this drink is that in addition to you weightloss, this body also detoxes. This natural remedy has no side effects and is also very cheap.

Chia seeds
Lemon juice

Method of making it
First take clean water in a cup and add 1 teaspoon of chia seeds, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey and mix it well. Now leave this magical drink for overnight. On the second day, consume it 30 minutes before breakfast. In a few days, you will get rid of obesity i.e. stomach fat.

Why Chia Seeds?
Chia seeds have fat-burning and cleansing properties. Which detoxes the body along with burning fat. Also, they contain many proteins, fibers and minerals like calcium, which help in metabolism and digestion, it helps in extracting the toxins present in the body by using store fat for energy.

Lemon juice
Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which supports our immune system's ability to fight and prevent disease. Lemons also contain a variety of antioxidants which help in removing any uninvited guests ie toxins and bacteria from our body.

If you want, you can also add honey to this weightloss drink. Works for the purpose of sweetening the drink, and it also enhances our stomach's ability to absorb nutrients. Due to the high presence of antioxidants, honey acts as an anti-aging element.

Drinking on an empty stomach has advantages
Drinking on an empty stomach has advantages
You can take 1 cup or 1 glass of this drink on an empty stomach in the morning. You may have to urinate frequently after drinking it as this drink is a powerful diuretic. But if you have any other problem after taking it, stop taking it immediately. And if you have any other problem, drink it only on the advice of the expert.


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