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How to Increase Six Sense

How to Increase Six Sense

How does Six Sense work, how to increase it?

We have heard many times about Sixth Sense, which in simple language is called Six senses. By the way, man has five senses - eye, nose, tongue, ear and skin. This is called sight, smelling power, taste, hearing power and touch, but there is another sixth sense which is not visible, but its existence is felt.

It is also considered parapsychology. You must have heard and read a lot about the sixth sense. But what is it, where is it and how can it be awakened? Let us know about Sixth Sense?

Where is the sixth sense?
There is a soft hole under the skull called brahmarandhra. From there, the sushumna pulse travels from the spine to the base. It is believed that Eda pulse is in the left part of the body and Pingala pulse is on the right side. Sushumna Nadi is situated in the middle. This pulse is considered the center of the seven chakras and the sixth sense. Normally, the sixth sense is in a dormant state, it is activated through different techniques.

What will happen when the sixth sense develops?
The sixth sense is said to be associated with the foreboding. It is said that future events can be known when it is awakened. You can listen to the person sitting miles away. Whose idea is going on in the mind, it can also be easily understood. It is said that once the sixth sense is fully awakened, the brain of a person starts to work ten times more and they anticipate the movements around them. Apart from this, one can easily feel any negative power. Let us know what is the sixth sense and what can happen when it is awakened.

What does science say about
According to a research, it is due to the sixth sense that we foresee future events. Which we can see as well as feel and it motivates us to avoid what happens. The sixth sense of about one-third of people is quite active.

Sixth sense can be awakened by these techniques :

Only 15 to 20 percent of our brain works. The sixth sense can be awakened through pranayama. For this it is necessary to first awaken the air sacs. Some parts of the brain do not work due to inhalation of air not reaching the airways and lungs. By getting pranayama up to the air sacs, the cells' power to fight against diseases increases, new blood is formed and all the nadis start coming into action. Small new tissues are formed. Because of them, the face also starts to glow.

By regularly meditating on the area between the two eyebrows, the obedient cycle starts awakening. Which increases our Sixth Sense. Meditation of 40 minutes daily can be helpful in this.

By trotting
One can also awaken this sixth sense by trataka kriya. As long as you can look at any point, crystal ball, candle or ghee lamp light without blinking. After this, close your eyes. Practice this for some time. With this, your concentration will increase and gradually the sixth sense will start to awaken.

Silent capacity
Silence increases the capacity of the mind, which increases the imaginary power and ability to perceive. Through this, we know about the foreboding as well as the future before it happens. This is the beginning of development of Sixth Sense.


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